Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture started in 2004 with the goal of teaching traditional acupuncture. Being the unique part of traditional medicine, Acupuncture has lost its basic principles in recent days and changed into integrative and complementary medicine in many countries.

The courses offered by Cumbam Academy has been precisely designed the syllabus with proper and unique principles of Acupuncture which presents a simple solution for all ailments without drugs. Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture masters are teaching with the intention of spreading the applied methods and strong philosophies of traditional acupuncture worldwide.

Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture teaches their students by preserving the uniqueness of the drugless Acupuncture medicine. Cumbam Academy graduates are serving as a distinguished Acu Healers all over India.

The Acupuncture Admission and trainings are being conducted by Cumbam Academy in all their training centres located in Tamil Nadu.

The students studied in Cumbam Academy and completed the due course and passing the university examinations are issued with the Government Recognised University Certificates. Cumbam Academy is the First part time college in India recognised by Alagappa University.

University certificate holders can register in Acupuncture Healers Federation (India) and practice as Acu Healers as per the order passed by Acupuncture act of Indian Government.


Acupuncture is the wonderful medical system which is connected with nature. Acupuncture treatment is provided by stimulating one of the element points located in the upper part of our skin by touching or needling.  The traditional Acupuncture medical system which was originated in China about 8000 years ago gives facile treatment for all kinds of ailments.

Acupuncture is recognized and applied in 178 out of 192 member states of United Nation (UN) and eighty percentages of 129 member states of World Health Organization (WHO). WHO traditional medicine strategy: 2014–2023 states that “Acupuncture is one of the medical system which spreads rapidly all over the world”.

Due to impaired performance of twelve major inner organs of our body and accumulation of morbid, the impediment occurs in the functioning of our body. Impaired performance and morbid accumulation are the root cause for all diseases. By identifying the functional disorder with the help of traditional diagnosing method and providing acupuncture treatment by stimulating the acupuncture points on our body, we can get rid of all diseases. Despite the ailment is of the earlier stage or of the advanced stage, providing permanent cure is the highlight of acupuncture treatment method.

Dr. Fazlur Rahman and Dr. Siddiq Jamal called as “Doctor Brothers” are the two allopathic doctors absorbed the philosophy of acupuncture and started providing treatment in Tamil Nadu during the year 1984. More than one lakh people who got treated and cured by the doctors created the outbreak for acupuncture. Doctor Brothers restored the formal pulse diagnosis method of acupuncture.

Only One point! One minute Treatment!!

We welcome you all to the journey of rescuing people from disease and chemical drugs by following the path of Doctor Brothers along with nature and this motto.

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